Inherits from RKObjectMapping : RKObjectMappingDefinition : NSObject
Declared in RKTableViewCellMapping.h


Defines a RestKit object mapping suitable for mapping generic objects into UITableViewCell derived classes or cells loaded from NIBs. The cell mapping leverages RestKit’s object mapping engine to dynamically map keyPaths in your object model into properties on the table cell view.

Cell mappings are used to drive table view cells within an RKTableController derived class. The cell mapping does not require any specific implementation on the target cell classes beyond exposure of the configurable UIView’s via KVC properties.


Other Methods

  •   cellClass

    The UITableViewCell subclass that this mapping will target. This is an alias for the objectClass property defined on the base mapping provided here to make things more explicit.

  •   cellClassName

    Convenience accessor for setting the cellClass attribute via a string rather than a class instance. This will typically save you from having to #import the header file for your target cells in your table view controller

  •   reuseIdentifier

    A reuse identifier for cells created using this mapping. These cells will be dequeued and reused within the table view for optimal performance. By default, a reuseIdentifier is set for you when you assign an object class to the mapping. You can override this behavior if you have multiple cells representing the same types of objects within the table view and need to pool the cells differently.

  •   managesCellAttributes

    A Boolean value that determines whether the cell mapping manages basic cell attributes (accessoryType, selectionStyle, etc.) or defers to a Storyboard/XIB for defining basic cell attributes.

  •   style

    The cell style to use for cells created with this mapping

  •   accessoryType

    The cell accessory type to use for cells created with this mapping

  •   selectionStyle

    The cell selection style to use for cells created with this mapping

  •   deselectsRowOnSelection

    Whether the tableController should call deselectRowAtIndexPath:animated: on the tableView when a cell is selected.

  •   rowHeight

    The row height to use for cells created with this mapping. Use of this property requires that RKTableController instance you are using the mapping to build cells for has been configured with variableHeightRows = YES


Cell Events *

  •   onSelectCellForObjectAtIndexPath

    Invoked when the user has touched a cell corresponding to an object. The block is invoked with a reference to both the UITableViewCell that was touched and the object the cell is representing.

  •   onSelectCell

    Invoked when the user has touched a cell configured with this mapping. The block is invoked without any arguments. This is useful for one-off touch events where you do not care about the content in which the selection took place.

  •   onCellWillAppearForObjectAtIndexPath

    A block to invoke when a table view cell created with this mapping is going to appear in the table. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

  •   heightOfCellForObjectAtIndexPath

    A block to invoke when the table view is measuring the height of the UITableViewCell. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

  •   onTapAccessoryButtonForObjectAtIndexPath

    A block to invoke when the accessory button for a given cell is tapped by the user. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

  •   titleForDeleteButtonForObjectAtIndexPath

    A block to invoke when the table view is determining the title for the delete confirmation button. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

  •   editingStyleForObjectAtIndexPath

    A block to invoke when the table view is determining the editing style for a given row. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

  • + cellMapping

    Returns a new auto-released mapping targeting UITableViewCell

  • + cellMappingForReuseIdentifier:

    Returns a new auto-released mapping targeting UITableViewCell with the specified reuseIdentifier

  • + defaultCellMapping

    Creates and returns an RKTableCellMapping instance configured with the default cell mappings.

  • + cellMappingUsingBlock:

    Returns a new auto-released object mapping targeting UITableViewCell. The mapping will be yielded to the block for configuration.

  • – addDefaultMappings

    Sets up default mappings connecting common properties to their UITableViewCell counterparts as follows:

  • – addPrepareCellBlock:

    Configure a block to be invoked whenever a cell is prepared for use with this mapping. The block will be invoked each time a cell is either initialized or dequeued for reuse.

Other Methods

  • – mappableObjectForData:

    Returns an auto-released object that can be used to apply this object mapping given a set of mappable data. For transient objects, this generally returns an instance of the objectClass. For Core Data backed persistent objects, mappableData will be inspected to search for primary key data to lookup existing object instances.

  • – setObjectClass:

    The target class this object mapping is defining rules for



The cell accessory type to use for cells created with this mapping

@property (nonatomic, assign) UITableViewCellAccessoryType accessoryType


@default UITableViewCellAccessoryNone

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The UITableViewCell subclass that this mapping will target. This is an alias for the objectClass property defined on the base mapping provided here to make things more explicit.

@property (nonatomic, assign) Class cellClass


@default [GGImageButtonTableViewCell class]

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Convenience accessor for setting the cellClass attribute via a string rather than a class instance. This will typically save you from having to #import the header file for your target cells in your table view controller

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *cellClassName


@default @“GGImageButtonTableViewCell”

Declared In



Whether the tableController should call deselectRowAtIndexPath:animated: on the tableView when a cell is selected.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL deselectsRowOnSelection


@default YES

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A block to invoke when the table view is determining the editing style for a given row. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewEditingStyleForObjectAtIndexPathBlock editingStyleForObjectAtIndexPath

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A block to invoke when the table view is measuring the height of the UITableViewCell. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewHeightOfCellForObjectAtIndexPathBlock heightOfCellForObjectAtIndexPath

Declared In



A Boolean value that determines whether the cell mapping manages basic cell attributes (accessoryType, selectionStyle, etc.) or defers to a Storyboard/XIB for defining basic cell attributes.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL managesCellAttributes


Setting the accessoryType or selectionStyle will set the value to YES.

Default: NO

Declared In



A block to invoke when a table view cell created with this mapping is going to appear in the table. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewCellForObjectAtIndexPathBlock onCellWillAppearForObjectAtIndexPath


This is a good moment to perform any customization to the cell before it becomes visible in the table view.

Declared In



Invoked when the user has touched a cell configured with this mapping. The block is invoked without any arguments. This is useful for one-off touch events where you do not care about the content in which the selection took place.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewAnonymousBlock onSelectCell

Declared In



Invoked when the user has touched a cell corresponding to an object. The block is invoked with a reference to both the UITableViewCell that was touched and the object the cell is representing.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewCellForObjectAtIndexPathBlock onSelectCellForObjectAtIndexPath

Declared In



A block to invoke when the accessory button for a given cell is tapped by the user. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewAccessoryButtonTappedForObjectAtIndexPathBlock onTapAccessoryButtonForObjectAtIndexPath

Declared In



A reuse identifier for cells created using this mapping. These cells will be dequeued and reused within the table view for optimal performance. By default, a reuseIdentifier is set for you when you assign an object class to the mapping. You can override this behavior if you have multiple cells representing the same types of objects within the table view and need to pool the cells differently.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *reuseIdentifier


@default NSStringFromClass(self.objectClass)

Declared In



The row height to use for cells created with this mapping. Use of this property requires that RKTableController instance you are using the mapping to build cells for has been configured with variableHeightRows = YES

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat rowHeight


This value is mutually exclusive of the heightOfCellForObjectAtIndexPath property and will be ignored if you assign a block to perform dynamic row height calculations.

Default: 44

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The cell selection style to use for cells created with this mapping

@property (nonatomic, assign) UITableViewCellSelectionStyle selectionStyle


@default UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue

Declared In



The cell style to use for cells created with this mapping

@property (nonatomic, assign) UITableViewCellStyle style


@default UITableViewCellStyleDefault

Declared In



A block to invoke when the table view is determining the title for the delete confirmation button. The block will be invoked with the UITableViewCell, an id reference to the mapped object being represented in the cell, and the NSIndexPath for the row position the cell will be appearing at.

@property (nonatomic, copy) RKTableViewTitleForDeleteButtonForObjectAtIndexPathBlock titleForDeleteButtonForObjectAtIndexPath

Declared In


Class Methods


Returns a new auto-released mapping targeting UITableViewCell

+ (id)cellMapping

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Returns a new auto-released mapping targeting UITableViewCell with the specified reuseIdentifier

+ (id)cellMappingForReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier

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Returns a new auto-released object mapping targeting UITableViewCell. The mapping will be yielded to the block for configuration.

+ (id)cellMappingUsingBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( RKTableViewCellMapping *cellMapping ))block

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Creates and returns an RKTableCellMapping instance configured with the default cell mappings.

+ (id)defaultCellMapping

Return Value

An RKTableCellMapping instance with default mappings applied.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Sets up default mappings connecting common properties to their UITableViewCell counterparts as follows:

- (void)addDefaultMappings


 [self mapKeyPath:@"text" toAttribute:@"textLabel.text"];
 [self mapKeyPath:@"detailText" toAttribute:@"detailTextLabel.text"];
 [self mapKeyPath:@"image" toAttribute:@"imageView.image"];

These properties are exposed on the RKTableItem class for convenience in quickly building static table views/

See Also

Declared In



Configure a block to be invoked whenever a cell is prepared for use with this mapping. The block will be invoked each time a cell is either initialized or dequeued for reuse.

- (void)addPrepareCellBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( UITableViewCell *cell ))block

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Returns an auto-released object that can be used to apply this object mapping given a set of mappable data. For transient objects, this generally returns an instance of the objectClass. For Core Data backed persistent objects, mappableData will be inspected to search for primary key data to lookup existing object instances.

- (id)mappableObjectForData:(UITableView *)tableView

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The target class this object mapping is defining rules for

- (void)setObjectClass:(Class)objectClass

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