Inherits from NSObject
Declared in RKTableItem.h


A generic class for defining vanilla table items when you do not have local domain items for your table rows. This is used to implement simple static tables quickly.


  •   userData

    A dictionary reference for storing ad-hoc KVC data useful in building table items that require extra information beyond the concrete properties available on the table item.

  •   cellMapping

    Informal protocol implementation. Any object that responds to the cellMapping message and returns an RKTableViewCellMapping will be mapped into a table view cell according to the rules in the mapping.

  • + tableItemsFromStrings:

    Return a new array of RKTableItem instances given a nil terminated list of strings. Each table item will have the text property set to the string provided.

  • + tableItem

    Returns a new table item

  • + tableItemUsingBlock:

    Initialize a new table item and yield it to the block for configuration

  • + tableItemWithText:

    Initialize a new table item with the specified text

  • + tableItemWithText:detailText:

    Initialize a new table item with the specified text & details text

  • + tableItemWithText:detailText:image:

    Construct a new auto-released table item with the specified text, detailText and image properties.

  • + tableItemWithText:usingBlock:

    Construct a new table item with the specified text and yield it to the block for configuration. This is a convenient mechanism for quickly constructing table items that have been subclassed.

  • + tableItemWithText:URL:

    Constructs a new table item with the specified text and URL. This is useful if you are working with Three20 or another library that provides URL dispatching.

  • + tableItemWithCellMapping:

    Construct a new table item with the specified cell mapping

  • + tableItemWithCellClass:

    Construct a new table item that will map into an instance of the specified UITableViewCell subclass. This is helpful if you are constructing a static table with a handful of different cells and don’t need to configure a full cell mapping.



Informal protocol implementation. Any object that responds to the cellMapping message and returns an RKTableViewCellMapping will be mapped into a table view cell according to the rules in the mapping.

@property (nonatomic, retain) RKTableViewCellMapping *cellMapping


Generally table items are mapped using class –> cell mapping semantics. This is configured via invocation of [RKTableController mapObjectClass:toTableCellClass:]. Default mappings for RKTableItem instances are configured on your behalf when you invoke the [RKTableView loadTableItems:] family of methods.

If you assign a cell mapping to an individual table item then the assigned cell mapping will be used instead of the class configured ‘default’ mapping.

Default: nil

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A dictionary reference for storing ad-hoc KVC data useful in building table items that require extra information beyond the concrete properties available on the table item.

@property (nonatomic, retain) RKMutableBlockDictionary *userData


Values stored within the userData dictionary can be used to map arbitrary data into your table cells without resorting to subclassing RKTableItem:

[tableItem.userData setValue:userAvatarImage forKey:@"userAvatarImage"];
[tableItem.cellMapping mapKeyPath:@"userData.userAvatarImage" toKeyPath:@"imageView.image"];

Note that this is an instance of RKMutableBlockDictionary — a dictionary capable of storing executable block values that will be resolved at mapping time.

For convenience, you can also perform key-value coding operations on instances of RKTableItem themselves. Any undefined KVC operations will be passed through to the underlying userData property. This permits you to have alignment on your keyPaths between the table item and your target cells when defining mappings. Considering the above examples, we could also write the following code instead:

 [tableItem setValue:userAvatarImage forKey:@"userAvatarImage"];
 [tableItem.cellMapping mapKeyPath:@"userAvatarImage" toKeyPath:@"imageView.image"];

Or more concretely, if we have a group of properties such as title, description, and publishedDate on our UITableViewCell destination class, we can configure it quickly via:

[tableItem setValue:@"Some Title" forKey:@"title"];
[tableItem setValue:@"This is an awesome movie." forKey:@"description"];
[tableItem setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"publishedDate"];
[tableItem.cellMapping mapAttributes:@"title", @"description", @"publishedDate", nil];

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Class Methods


Returns a new table item

+ (id)tableItem

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Initialize a new table item and yield it to the block for configuration

+ (id)tableItemUsingBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( RKTableItem *tableItem ))block

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Construct a new table item that will map into an instance of the specified UITableViewCell subclass. This is helpful if you are constructing a static table with a handful of different cells and don’t need to configure a full cell mapping.

+ (id)tableItemWithCellClass:(Class)tableViewCellSubclass



A subclass of UITableViewCell to map this item into


When invoked, an instance of RKTableViewCellMapping will be created on your behalf and assigned to the cellMapping property. The objectClass of the cellMapping will be set to the subclass of UITableViewCell you provided.

Declared In



Construct a new table item with the specified cell mapping

+ (id)tableItemWithCellMapping:(RKTableViewCellMapping *)cellMapping

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Initialize a new table item with the specified text

+ (id)tableItemWithText:(NSString *)text

Declared In



Constructs a new table item with the specified text and URL. This is useful if you are working with Three20 or another library that provides URL dispatching.

+ (id)tableItemWithText:(NSString *)text URL:(NSString *)URL

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Initialize a new table item with the specified text & details text

+ (id)tableItemWithText:(NSString *)text detailText:(NSString *)detailText

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Construct a new auto-released table item with the specified text, detailText and image properties.

+ (id)tableItemWithText:(NSString *)text detailText:(NSString *)detailText image:(UIImage *)image

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Construct a new table item with the specified text and yield it to the block for configuration. This is a convenient mechanism for quickly constructing table items that have been subclassed.

+ (id)tableItemWithText:(NSString *)text usingBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( RKTableItem *tableItem ))block


For example:

NSArray* tableItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[MyTableItem tableItemWithText:@"Foo"
                                                                    usingBlock:^(RKTableItem *tableItem) {
                                                                        [(MyTableItem *)tableItem setURL:@"app://whatever"];
                                                                    }], ...];

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Return a new array of RKTableItem instances given a nil terminated list of strings. Each table item will have the text property set to the string provided.

+ (NSArray *)tableItemsFromStrings:(NSString *)firstString, ...

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