RKReachabilityObserver Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | RKReachabilityObserver.h RKReachabilityObserver.m |
Provides a notification based interface for monitoring changes to network status.
When initialized, creates an SCReachabilityReg and schedules it for callback
notifications on the main dispatch queue. As notifications are intercepted from
SystemConfiguration, the observer will update its state and emit
to inform listeners about state changes.
Portions of this software are derived from the Apple Reachability code sample: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/Reachability/Listings/Classes_Reachability_m.html
Creating a Reachability Observer
+ reachabilityObserverForHost:
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the hostname or IP address referenced in a given string. The observer will monitor the ability to reach the specified remote host and emit notifications when its reachability status changes.
+ reachabilityObserverForInternet
Creates and returns a reachabilityObserverForInternet instance observing the reachability to the Internet in general.
+ reachabilityObserverForLocalWifi
Creates and returns a reachabilityObserverForInternet instance observing the reachability to the Internet via the local WiFi interface. Internet access available via the WWAN (3G, Edge, etc) will not be considered reachable.
+ reachabilityObserverForAddress:
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the sockaddr address provided.
+ reachabilityObserverForInternetAddress:
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the IP address provided.
– initWithHost:
Returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the hostname or IP address referenced in a given string. The observer will monitor the ability to reach the specified remote host and emit notifications when its reachability status changes.
– initWithAddress:
Returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the sockaddr address provided.
Determining the Host
The remote hostname or IP address being observed for reachability.
Managing Reachability States
Current state of determining reachability
property -
Current network status as determined by examining the state of the currently cached reachabilityFlags
property -
Current state of the local WiFi interface’s reachability
property -
The reachability flags as of the last invocation of the reachability callback
property -
– getFlags
Acquires the current network reachability flags, answering YES if successfully acquired; answering NO otherwise.
Reachability Introspection
– isNetworkReachable
Returns YES when the Internet is reachable (via WiFi or WWAN)
– isReachableViaWWAN
Returns YES when we the network is reachable via WWAN
– isReachableViaWiFi
Returns YES when we the network is reachable via WiFi
– isConnectionRequired
Returns YES when WWAN may be available, but not active until a connection has been established.
– isConnectionOnDemand
Returns YES if a dynamic, on-demand connection is available
– isInterventionRequired
Returns YES if user intervention is required to initiate a connection
– reachabilityFlagsDescription
Returns a string representation of the currently cached reachabilityFlags for inspection
The remote hostname or IP address being observed for reachability.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *host
Declared In
Current state of the local WiFi interface’s reachability
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isMonitoringLocalWiFi) BOOL monitoringLocalWiFi
Return Value
YES if the reachability observer is monitoring the local WiFi interface
When the local WiFi interface is being monitored, only three reachability states are possible:
- RKReachabilityIndeterminate
- RKReachabilityNotReachable
- RKReachabilityReachableViaWiFi
If the device has connectivity through a WWAN connection only it will consider the network not reachable.
See Also
Declared In
Current network status as determined by examining the state of the currently cached reachabilityFlags
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RKReachabilityNetworkStatus networkStatus
Return Value
Status of the network as RKReachabilityNetworkStatus
Declared In
Current state of determining reachability
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isReachabilityDetermined) BOOL reachabilityDetermined
Return Value
YES if reachability has been determined
When initialized, RKReachabilityObserver instances are in an indeterminate state to indicate that reachability status has not been yet established. After the first callback is processed by the observer, the observer will answer YES for reachabilityDetermined and networkStatus will return a determinate response.
Declared In
The reachability flags as of the last invocation of the reachability callback
@property (nonatomic, readonly) SCNetworkReachabilityFlags reachabilityFlags
Return Value
The most recently cached reachability flags reflecting current network status.
Each time the reachability callback is invoked with an asynchronous update of reachability status the flags are cached and made accessible via the reachabilityFlags method.
Flags can also be directly obtained via [RKReachabilityObserver getFlags]
See Also
Declared In
Class Methods
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the sockaddr address provided.
+ (RKReachabilityObserver *)reachabilityObserverForAddress:(const struct sockaddr *)address
- address
A socket address to determine reachability for.
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting the given socket address or nil if it could not be observed.
Declared In
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the hostname or IP address referenced in a given string. The observer will monitor the ability to reach the specified remote host and emit notifications when its reachability status changes.
+ (RKReachabilityObserver *)reachabilityObserverForHost:(NSString *)hostNameOrIPAddress
- hostNameOrIPAddress
An NSString containing a hostname or IP address to be observed.
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting the given hostname/IP address or nil if it could not be observed.
The hostNameOrIPAddress will be introspected to determine if it contains an IP address encoded into a string or a DNS name. The observer will be configured appropriately based on the contents of the string.
Bug: Note that iOS 5 has known issues with hostname based reachability
Declared In
Creates and returns a reachabilityObserverForInternet instance observing the reachability to the Internet in general.
+ (RKReachabilityObserver *)reachabilityObserverForInternet
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting INADDR_ANY or nil if it could not be observed.
Declared In
Creates and returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the IP address provided.
+ (RKReachabilityObserver *)reachabilityObserverForInternetAddress:(in_addr_t)internetAddress
- internetAddress
A 32-bit integer representation of an IP address
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting the given IP address or nil if it could not be observed.
Declared In
Creates and returns a reachabilityObserverForInternet instance observing the reachability to the Internet via the local WiFi interface. Internet access available via the WWAN (3G, Edge, etc) will not be considered reachable.
+ (RKReachabilityObserver *)reachabilityObserverForLocalWifi
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM or nil if it could not be observed.
Declared In
Instance Methods
Acquires the current network reachability flags, answering YES if successfully acquired; answering NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)getFlags
Beware! The System Configuration framework operates synchronously by default. See Technical Q&A QA1693, Synchronous Networking On The Main Thread. Asking for flags blocks the current thread and potentially kills your iOS application if the reachability enquiry does not respond before the watchdog times out.
Declared In
Returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the sockaddr address provided.
- (id)initWithAddress:(const struct sockaddr *)address
- address
A socket address to determine reachability for.
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting the given socket address or nil if it could not be observed.
Declared In
Returns a RKReachabilityObserver instance observing reachability changes to the hostname or IP address referenced in a given string. The observer will monitor the ability to reach the specified remote host and emit notifications when its reachability status changes.
- (id)initWithHost:(NSString *)hostNameOrIPAddress
- hostNameOrIPAddress
An NSString containing a hostname or IP address to be observed.
Return Value
A reachability observer targeting the given hostname/IP address or nil if it could not be observed.
The hostNameOrIPAddress will be introspected to determine if it contains an IP address encoded into a string or a DNS name. The observer will be configured appropriately based on the contents of the string.
Bug: Note that iOS 5 has known issues with hostname based reachability
Declared In
Returns YES if a dynamic, on-demand connection is available
- (BOOL)isConnectionOnDemand
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns YES when WWAN may be available, but not active until a connection has been established.
- (BOOL)isConnectionRequired
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns YES if user intervention is required to initiate a connection
- (BOOL)isInterventionRequired
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns YES when the Internet is reachable (via WiFi or WWAN)
- (BOOL)isNetworkReachable
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns YES when we the network is reachable via WWAN
- (BOOL)isReachableViaWWAN
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns YES when we the network is reachable via WiFi
- (BOOL)isReachableViaWiFi
- NSInternalInconsistencyException
Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException if called before reachability is determined
Declared In
Returns a string representation of the currently cached reachabilityFlags for inspection
- (NSString *)reachabilityFlagsDescription
Return Value
A string containing single character representations of the bits in an SCNetworkReachabilityFlags
Declared In