RKManagedObjectSeeder Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | RKManagedObjectSeeder.h RKManagedObjectSeeder.m |
Provides an interface for generating a seed database suitable for initializing a Core Data backed RestKit application. The object seeder loads files from the application’s main bundle and processes them with the Object Mapper to produce a database on disk. This file can then be copied into the main bundle of an application and provided to RKManagedObjectStore at initialization to start the app with a set of data immediately available for use within Core Data.
+ generateSeedDatabaseWithObjectManager:fromFiles:
Generates a seed database using an object manager and a null terminated list of files. Exits the seeding process and outputs an informational message
+ objectSeederWithObjectManager:
Returns an object seeder ready to begin seeding. Requires a fully configured instance of an object manager.
– seedObjectsFromFiles:
Seed the database with objects from the specified file(s). The list must be terminated by nil
– seedObjectsFromFile:withObjectMapping:
Seed the database with objects from the specified file using the supplied object mapping.
– seedObjectsFromFile:withObjectMapping:bundle:
Seed the database with objects from the specified file, from the specified bundle, using the supplied object mapping.
– finalizeSeedingAndExit
Completes a seeding session by persisting the store, outputing an informational message and exiting the process
Class Methods
Generates a seed database using an object manager and a null terminated list of files. Exits the seeding process and outputs an informational message
+ (void)generateSeedDatabaseWithObjectManager:(RKObjectManager *)objectManager fromFiles:(NSString *)fileName, ...
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Instance Methods
Completes a seeding session by persisting the store, outputing an informational message and exiting the process
- (void)finalizeSeedingAndExit
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Seed the database with objects from the specified file using the supplied object mapping.
- (void)seedObjectsFromFile:(NSString *)fileName withObjectMapping:(RKObjectMapping *)nilOrObjectMapping
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Seed the database with objects from the specified file, from the specified bundle, using the supplied object mapping.
- (void)seedObjectsFromFile:(NSString *)fileName withObjectMapping:(RKObjectMapping *)nilOrObjectMapping bundle:(NSBundle *)nilOrBundle
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