Inherits from AFHTTPRequestOperation
Declared in RKHTTPRequestOperation.h


The RKHTTPRequestOperation class is a subclass of AFHTTPRequestOperation for HTTP or HTTPS requests made by RestKit. It provides per-instance configuration of the acceptable status codes and content types and integrates with the RKLog system to provide detailed requested and response logging. Instances of RKHTTPRequest are created by RKObjectRequestOperation and its subclasses to HTTP requests that will be object mapped. When used to make standalone HTTP requests, RKHTTPRequestOperation instance behave identically to AFHTTPRequestOperation with the exception of emitting logging information.

Determining Request Processability

The RKHTTPRequestOperation class diverges from the behavior of AFHTTPRequestOperation in the implementation of canProcessRequest, which is used to determine if a request can be processed. Because RKHTTPRequestOperation handles Content Type and Status Code acceptability at the instance rather than the class level, it by default returns YES when sent a canProcessRequest: method. Subclasses are encouraged to implement more specific logic if constraining the type of requests handled is desired.


Configuring Acceptable Status Codes and Content Types



The set of content types which the operation considers successful.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSSet *acceptableContentTypes


The set may contain NSString or NSRegularExpression objects. When nil, the acceptability of content types is deferred to the superclass implementation.

Default: nil

Declared In



The set of status codes which the operation considers successful.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSIndexSet *acceptableStatusCodes


When nil, the acceptability of status codes is deferred to the superclass implementation.

Default: nil

Declared In
