Inherits from RKMapping : NSObject
Declared in RKDynamicMapping.h


The RKDynamicMapping class is an RKMapping subclass that provides an interface for deferring the decision about how a given object representation is to be mapped until run time. This enables many interesting mapping strategies, such as mapping similarly structured data differently and constructing object mappings at run time by examining the data being mapped.

Configuring Mapping Selection

Dynamic mappings support the selection of the concrete object mapping in one of two ways:

  1. Through the use of a mapping selection block configured by setObjectMappingForRepresentationBlock:. When configured, the block is called with a reference to the current object representation being mapped and is expected to return an RKObjectMapping object. Returning nil declines the mapping of the representation.
  2. Through the configuration of one of more RKObjectMappingMatcher objects. The matchers are consulted in registration order and the first matcher to return an object mapping is used to map the matched representation.

When both a mapping selection block and matchers are configured on a RKDynamicMapping object, the matcher objects are consulted first and if none match, the selection block is invoked.

Using Matcher Objects

The RKObjectMappingMatcher class provides an interface for evaluating a key path or predicate based match and returning an appropriate object mapping. Matchers can be added to the RKDynamicMapping objects to declaratively describe a particular mapping strategy.

For example, suppose that we have a JSON fragment for a person that we want to map differently based on the gender of the person. When the gender is ‘male’, we want to use the Boy class and when then the gender is ‘female’ we want to use the Girl class. The JSON might look something like this:

[ { "name": "Blake", "gender": "male" }, { "name": "Sarah", "gender": "female" } ]

We might define configure the dynamic mapping like so:

RKDynamicMapping *mapping = [RKDynamicMapping new];
RKObjectMapping *boyMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Boy class]];
RKObjectMapping *girlMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Girl class]];
[mapping addMatcher:[RKObjectMappingMatcher matcherWithKeyPath:@"gender" expectedValue:@"male" objectMapping:boyMapping]];
[mapping addMatcher:[RKObjectMappingMatcher matcherWithKeyPath:@"gender" expectedValue:@"female" objectMapping:girlMapping]];

When evaluated, the matchers will invoke valueForKeyPath:@"gender" against each dictionary in the array of object representations and apply the appropriate object mapping for each representation. This would return a mapping result containing an array of two objects, one an instance of the Boy class and the other an instance of the Girl class.

HTTP Integration

Dynamic mappings can be used to map HTTP requests and responses by adding them to an RKRequestDescriptor or RKResponseDescriptor objects.


Configuring Block Mapping Selection

Retrieving the Object Mapping for an Object Representation



Returns the array of matchers objects added to the receiver.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray *matchers

Declared In



Returns an array of object mappings that have been registered with the receiver.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *objectMappings

Return Value

An array of RKObjectMapping objects registered with the receiver.

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Instance Methods


Adds a matcher to the receiver.

- (void)addMatcher:(RKObjectMappingMatcher *)matcher



The matcher to add to the receiver.


If the matcher has already been added to the receiver, then adding it again moves it to the top of the matcher stack.

Declared In



Invoked by the RKMapperOperation and RKMappingOperation to determine the appropriate RKObjectMapping to use when mapping the given object representation.

- (RKObjectMapping *)objectMappingForRepresentation:(id)representation



The object representation that being mapped dynamically for which to determine the appropriate concrete mapping.

Return Value

The object mapping to be used to map the given object representation.


This method searches the stack of registered matchers and then executes the block, if any, set by setObjectMappingForRepresentationBlock:. If nil is returned, then mapping for the representation is declined and it will not be mapped.

Declared In



Removes a matcher from the receiver.

- (void)removeMatcher:(RKObjectMappingMatcher *)matcher



The matcher to remove from the receiver.


If the matcher has already been added to the receiver, then adding it again moves it to the top of the matcher stack.

Declared In



Sets a block to be invoked to determine the appropriate concrete object mapping with which to map an object representation.

- (void)setObjectMappingForRepresentationBlock:(RKObjectMapping *( ^ ) ( id representation ))block



The block object to invoke to select the object mapping with which to map the given object representation. The block returns an object mapping and accepts a single parameter: the object representation being mapped.

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