Inherits from NSOperation
Declared in RKMapperOperation.h


RKMapperOperation is an NSOperation subclass that implements object mapping for opaque object representations. Given a dictionary or an array of dictionaries that represent objects and a dictionary describing how to map the representations, the mapper will transform the source representations into NSObject or NSManagedObject instances. Mapper operations are used to map object representations from Foundation object representations, such as those deserialized from a JSON or XML document or loaded from a file. Not all the mappings specified in the mappings dictionary are required to match content in the source object for the operation to succeed. However, if none of the mappable key paths in the mappings dictionary match the source object then the operation will fail and the error property will be set to an NSError object in the RKErrorDomain domain with an error code value of RKMappingErrorNotFound.

RKMapperOperation does not actually perform any mapping work. Instead, it instantiates and starts RKMappingOperation objects to process the mappable object representations it encounters.

RKMapperOperation is a non-concurrent operation. Execution will occur synchronously on the calling thread unless the operation is enqueued onto an NSOperationQueue.

Mappings Dictionary

The mappings dictionary describes how to object map the source object. The keys of the dictionary are key paths into the sourceObject and the values are RKMapping objects describing how to map the representations at the corresponding key path. This dictionary based approach enables a single document to contain an arbitrary number of object representations that can be mapped independently. Consider the following example JSON structure:

{ "tags": [ "hacking", "phreaking" ], "authors": [ "Captain Crunch", "Emmanuel Goldstein" ], "magazine": { "title": "2600 The Hacker Quarterly" } }

Each key in the document could be mapped independently by providing a mapping for the key paths:

RKObjectMapping *tagMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Tag class]];
RKObjectMapping *authorMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Author class]];
RKObjectMapping *magazineMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Magazine class]];
NSDictionary *mappingsDictionary = @{ @"tag": tagMapping, @"author": authorMapping, @"magazine": magazine };

Note that the keys of the dictionary are key paths. Deeply nested content can be mapped by specifying the full key path as the key of the mappings dictionary.

The NSNull Key

A mapping set for the key [NSNull null] value has special significance to the mapper operation. When a mapping is encountered with the a null key, the entire sourceObject is processed using the given mapping. This provides support for mapping content that does not have an outer nesting attribute.

Data Source

The data source is used to instantiate new objects or find existing objects to be updated during the mapping process. The object set as the mappingOperationDataSource will be set as the dataSource for the RKMappingOperation objects created by the mapper.

Target Object

If a targetObject is configured on the mapper operation, all mapping work on the sourceObject will target the specified object. For transient NSObject mappings, this ensures that the properties of an existing object are updated rather than an new object being created for the mapped representation. If an array of representations is being processed and a targetObject is provided, it must be a mutable collection object else an exception will be raised.

Core Data

RKMapperOperation supports mapping to Core Data target entities. To do so, it must be configured with an RKManagedObjectMappingOperationDataSource object as the data source.


Initializing a Mapper Operation

Accessing Mapping Result and Errors

  •   error

    The error, if any, that occurred during the mapping process.

  •   mappingResult

    The result of the mapping process. A nil value indicates that no mappable object representations were found and no mapping was performed.


Managing Mapping Configuration



The delegate for the mapper operation.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<RKMapperOperationDelegate> delegate

Declared In



The error, if any, that occurred during the mapping process.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSError *error

Declared In



The data source for the underlying RKMappingOperation objects that perform the mapping work configured by the mapper.

@property (nonatomic, strong) id<RKMappingOperationDataSource> mappingOperationDataSource

Declared In



The result of the mapping process. A nil value indicates that no mappable object representations were found and no mapping was performed.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) RKMappingResult *mappingResult

Declared In



A dictionary of key paths to RKMapping objects specifying how object representations in the sourceObject are to be mapped.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSDictionary *mappingsDictionary


Please see the above discussion for in-depth details about the mappings dictionary.

Declared In



The source object representation against which the mapping is performed.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) id sourceObject


Either an NSDictionary or an NSArray of NSDictionary objects.

Declared In



The target object of the mapper. When configured, all object mapping will target the specified object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id targetObject


Please see the above discussion for details about target objects.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Initializes the operation with a source object and a mappings dictionary.

- (id)initWithObject:(id)object mappingsDictionary:(NSDictionary *)mappingsDictionary



An NSDictionary or NSArray of NSDictionary object representations to be mapped into local domain objects.


An NSDictionary wherein the keys are mappable key paths in object and the values are RKMapping objects specifying how the representations at its key path are to be mapped.

Return Value

The receiver, initialized with the given object and and dictionary of key paths to mappings.

Declared In
