Inherits from NSObject
Declared in RKObjectParameterization.h


The RKObjectParameterization class provides an interface for mapping a local domain object into an NSDictionary representation suitable for use as the parameters of an HTTP request.


Parameterizing an Object

  • + parametersWithObject:requestDescriptor:error:

    Returns a dictionary representation of the given object by performing object mapping using the mapping from the given request descriptor. If the request descriptor specifies a root key path, the mapped parameters will be nested within the dictionary under the specified root key path.

Class Methods


Returns a dictionary representation of the given object by performing object mapping using the mapping from the given request descriptor. If the request descriptor specifies a root key path, the mapped parameters will be nested within the dictionary under the specified root key path.

+ (NSDictionary *)parametersWithObject:(id)object requestDescriptor:(RKRequestDescriptor *)requestDescriptor error:(NSError **)error



The object to be parameterized.


The request descriptor describing how the object is to be mapped into an NSDictionary of parameters.


If there is a problem mapping the parameters, upon return contains a pointer to an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

A new dictionary containing the mapped parameters or nil if an error has occurred.

Declared In
