Inherits from NSObject
Declared in RKObjectManager.h


  • + sharedManager

    Return the shared instance of the object manager

  • + setSharedManager:

    Set the shared instance of the object manager

  • + objectManagerWithBaseURL:

    Create and initialize a new object manager. If this is the first instance created it will be set as the shared instance

  • + objectManagerWithBaseURL:objectMapper:router:

    Create and initialize a new object manager. If this is the first instance created it will be set as the shared instance

  • – initWithBaseURL:

    Initialize a new model manager instance

  • – initWithBaseURL:objectMapper:router:

    Initialize a new model manager instance

  •   format

    The wire format to use for communications. Either RKMappingFormatXML or RKMappingFormatJSON.

  •   client

    The REST client for this manager

  • – isOnline

    True when we are in online mode

  • – registerClass:forElementNamed:

    Register a resource mapping from a domain model class to a JSON/XML element name

  •   mapper

    Mapper object responsible for mapping remote HTTP resources to Cocoa objects

  •   router

    Routing object responsible for generating paths for objects and serializing representations of the object for transport.

  •   objectStore

    A Core Data backed object store for persisting objects that have been fetched from the Web

  • – loadObjectsAtResourcePath:delegate:

    Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the resource path and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped to local objects by consulting the element registrations set on the mapper.

  • – loadObjectsAtResourcePath:queryParams:delegate:

    Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the specified resource path with a dictionary of query parameters to append to the URL and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped to local objects by consulting the element registrations set on the mapper.

  • – loadObjectsAtResourcePath:objectClass:delegate:

    Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the resource path and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped into instances of the specified object mappable class.

  • – loadObjectsAtResourcePath:queryParams:objectClass:delegate:

    Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the specified resource path with a dictionary of query parameters to append to the URL and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped into instances of the specified object mappable class.

  • – getObject:delegate:

    Update a mappable model by loading its attributes from the web

  • – postObject:delegate:

    Create a remote mappable model by POSTing the attributes to the remote resource and loading the resulting objects from the payload

  • – putObject:delegate:

    Update a remote mappable model by PUTing the attributes to the remote resource and loading the resulting objects from the payload

  • – deleteObject:delegate:

    Delete the remote instance of a mappable model by performing an HTTP DELETE on the remote resource

  • – objectLoaderWithResourcePath:delegate:

    Return an object loader ready to be sent. The method defaults to GET and the URL is relative to the baseURL configured on the client. The loader is configured for an implicit objectClass load. This is the best place to begin work if you need to create a slightly different collection loader than what is provided by the loadObjects family of methods.

  • – objectLoaderForObject:method:delegate:

    Returns an object loader configured for transmitting an object instance across the wire. A request will be constructed for you with the resource path & object serialization configured for you by the Router. This is the best place to begin work if you need a slightly different interaction with the server than what is provided for you by get/post/put/delete object family of methods. Note that this should be used for one-off changes. If you need to substantially modify all your object loads, you are better off subclassing or implementing your own RKRouter for dryness.



The REST client for this manager

@property (nonatomic, retain) RKClient *client

Declared In



The wire format to use for communications. Either RKMappingFormatXML or RKMappingFormatJSON.

@property (nonatomic, assign) RKMappingFormat format


Defaults to RKMappingFormatJSON

Declared In



Mapper object responsible for mapping remote HTTP resources to Cocoa objects

@property (nonatomic, readonly) RKObjectMapper *mapper

Declared In



A Core Data backed object store for persisting objects that have been fetched from the Web

@property (nonatomic, retain) RKManagedObjectStore *objectStore

Declared In



Routing object responsible for generating paths for objects and serializing representations of the object for transport.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject<RKRouter> *router


Defaults to an instance of RKDynamicRouter

Declared In


Class Methods


Create and initialize a new object manager. If this is the first instance created it will be set as the shared instance

+ (RKObjectManager *)objectManagerWithBaseURL:(NSString *)baseURL

Declared In



Create and initialize a new object manager. If this is the first instance created it will be set as the shared instance

+ (RKObjectManager *)objectManagerWithBaseURL:(NSString *)baseURL objectMapper:(RKObjectMapper *)mapper router:(NSObject<RKRouter> *)router

Declared In



Set the shared instance of the object manager

+ (void)setSharedManager:(RKObjectManager *)manager

Declared In



Return the shared instance of the object manager

+ (RKObjectManager *)sharedManager

Declared In


Instance Methods


Delete the remote instance of a mappable model by performing an HTTP DELETE on the remote resource

- (RKObjectLoader *)deleteObject:(NSObject<RKObjectMappable> *)object delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Update a mappable model by loading its attributes from the web

- (RKObjectLoader *)getObject:(NSObject<RKObjectMappable> *)object delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Initialize a new model manager instance

- (id)initWithBaseURL:(NSString *)baseURL

Declared In



Initialize a new model manager instance

- (id)initWithBaseURL:(NSString *)baseURL objectMapper:(RKObjectMapper *)mapper router:(NSObject<RKRouter> *)router

Declared In



True when we are in online mode

- (BOOL)isOnline

Declared In



Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the resource path and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped to local objects by consulting the element registrations set on the mapper.

- (RKObjectLoader *)loadObjectsAtResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the resource path and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped into instances of the specified object mappable class.

- (RKObjectLoader *)loadObjectsAtResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath objectClass:(Class<RKObjectMappable>)objectClass delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the specified resource path with a dictionary of query parameters to append to the URL and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped to local objects by consulting the element registrations set on the mapper.

- (RKObjectLoader *)loadObjectsAtResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath queryParams:(NSDictionary *)queryParams delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Create and send an asynchronous GET request to load the objects at the specified resource path with a dictionary of query parameters to append to the URL and call back the delegate with the loaded objects. Remote objects will be mapped into instances of the specified object mappable class.

- (RKObjectLoader *)loadObjectsAtResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath queryParams:(NSDictionary *)queryParams objectClass:(Class<RKObjectMappable>)objectClass delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Returns an object loader configured for transmitting an object instance across the wire. A request will be constructed for you with the resource path & object serialization configured for you by the Router. This is the best place to begin work if you need a slightly different interaction with the server than what is provided for you by get/post/put/delete object family of methods. Note that this should be used for one-off changes. If you need to substantially modify all your object loads, you are better off subclassing or implementing your own RKRouter for dryness.

- (RKObjectLoader *)objectLoaderForObject:(NSObject<RKObjectMappable> *)object method:(RKRequestMethod)method delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Return an object loader ready to be sent. The method defaults to GET and the URL is relative to the baseURL configured on the client. The loader is configured for an implicit objectClass load. This is the best place to begin work if you need to create a slightly different collection loader than what is provided by the loadObjects family of methods.

- (RKObjectLoader *)objectLoaderWithResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Create a remote mappable model by POSTing the attributes to the remote resource and loading the resulting objects from the payload

- (RKObjectLoader *)postObject:(NSObject<RKObjectMappable> *)object delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Update a remote mappable model by PUTing the attributes to the remote resource and loading the resulting objects from the payload

- (RKObjectLoader *)putObject:(NSObject<RKObjectMappable> *)object delegate:(NSObject<RKObjectLoaderDelegate> *)delegate

Declared In



Register a resource mapping from a domain model class to a JSON/XML element name

- (void)registerClass:(Class<RKObjectMappable>)objectClass forElementNamed:(NSString *)elementNameOrKeyPath


Configures the mapper by indicating that elements with the specified name or keyPath value map to the specified class. The mapper will appropriately map to a single object or a collection, depending on the type of object in the payload.

Declared In
