Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to RKObjectMappable
Declared in RKObject.h


Base class for non-managed RestKit mappable objects.


Other Methods

Other Methods

Other Methods

Other Methods

  • + object

    Must return a new autoreleased instance of the model class ready for mapping. Used to initialize the model via any method other than alloc & init.

Other Methods

  • – propertiesForSerialization

    Return a dictionary of values to be serialized for submission to a remote resource. The router will encode these parameters into a serialization format (form encoded, JSON, etc). This is required to use putObject: and postObject: for updating and creating remote object representations.

Other Methods

  • – relationshipsForSerialization

    Return a dictionary of relationships to be serialized for submission to a remote resource. The router will encode these parameters into a serialization format (form encoded, JSON, etc). This is required to use putObject: and postObject: for updating and creating remote object representations.

Class Methods


Must return a dictionary containing mapping from JSON element names to property accessors

+ (NSDictionary *)elementToPropertyMappings

Declared In



Must return a dictionary mapping JSON element names to related object accessors. Must return an empty dictionary if there are no related objects.

+ (NSDictionary *)elementToRelationshipMappings


When assigning a collection of related objects, use key-value coding to traverse the collection and access the descendent objects. For example, given a Project object associated with a user and a collection of tasks:

[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@“user” forKey:@“user”]; Will map from an element named ‘user’ to the user property on the model instance.

[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@“tasks” forKey:@“tasks.task”]; Will map each ‘task’ element nested under a containing element named ‘tasks’ and assign the collection to the tasks property on the target object. The assigned collection is assumed to be an NSSet.

Declared In



Must return a new autoreleased instance of the model class ready for mapping. Used to initialize the model via any method other than alloc & init.

+ (id)object

Declared In



Must return an array containing names of relationship properties to serialize

+ (NSArray *)relationshipsToSerialize

Declared In


Instance Methods


Return a dictionary of values to be serialized for submission to a remote resource. The router will encode these parameters into a serialization format (form encoded, JSON, etc). This is required to use putObject: and postObject: for updating and creating remote object representations.

- (NSDictionary *)propertiesForSerialization

Declared In



Return a dictionary of relationships to be serialized for submission to a remote resource. The router will encode these parameters into a serialization format (form encoded, JSON, etc). This is required to use putObject: and postObject: for updating and creating remote object representations.

- (NSDictionary *)relationshipsForSerialization

Declared In
