Inherits from NSObject
Declared in RKManagedObjectStore.h


Other Methods

  •   managedObjectCache

    Managed object cache provides support for automatic removal of objects pruned from a server side load. Also used to provide offline object loading

  •   managedObjectContext
    Override managedObjectContext getter to ensure we return a separate context
    for each NSThread.
  • + objectStoreWithStoreFilename:

    Initialize a new managed object store with a SQLite database with the filename specified

  • + objectStoreWithStoreFilename:usingSeedDatabaseName:managedObjectModel:

    Initialize a new managed object store backed by a SQLite database with the specified filename. If a seed database name is provided and no existing database is found, initialize the store by copying the seed database from the main bundle. If the managed object model provided is nil, all models will be merged from the main bundle for you.

  • + objectStoreWithStoreFilename:inDirectory:usingSeedDatabaseName:managedObjectModel:

    Initialize a new managed object store backed by a SQLite database with the specified filename, in the specified directory. If no directory is specified, will use the app’s Documents directory. If a seed database name is provided and no existing database is found, initialize the store by copying the seed database from the main bundle. If the managed object model provided is nil, all models will be merged from the main bundle for you.

  • – initWithStoreFilename:DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE:

    Initialize a new managed object store with a SQLite database with the filename specified @deprecated

  • – save

    Save the current contents of the managed object store

  • – deletePersistantStoreUsingSeedDatabaseName:

    This deletes and recreates the managed object context and persistant store, effectively clearing all data

  • – objectWithID:
    Retrieves a model object from the appropriate context using the objectId
  • – objectsWithIDs:
    Retrieves a array of model objects from the appropriate context using
    an array of NSManagedObjectIDs
  • – findOrCreateInstanceOfManagedObject:withPrimaryKeyValue:

    Retrieves a model object from the object store given the model object’s class and the primaryKeyValue for the model object. This method leverages techniques specific to Core Data for optimal performance. If an existing object is not found, a new object is created and returned.

  • – objectsForResourcePath:

    Returns an array of objects that the ‘live’ at the specified resource path. Usage of this method requires that you have provided an implementation of the managed object cache

Other Methods



Managed object cache provides support for automatic removal of objects pruned from a server side load. Also used to provide offline object loading

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject<RKManagedObjectCache> *managedObjectCache

Declared In



Override managedObjectContext getter to ensure we return a separate context
for each NSThread.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext

Declared In


Class Methods


Initialize a new managed object store with a SQLite database with the filename specified

+ (RKManagedObjectStore *)objectStoreWithStoreFilename:(NSString *)storeFilename

Declared In



Initialize a new managed object store backed by a SQLite database with the specified filename, in the specified directory. If no directory is specified, will use the app’s Documents directory. If a seed database name is provided and no existing database is found, initialize the store by copying the seed database from the main bundle. If the managed object model provided is nil, all models will be merged from the main bundle for you.

+ (RKManagedObjectStore *)objectStoreWithStoreFilename:(NSString *)storeFilename inDirectory:(NSString *)directory usingSeedDatabaseName:(NSString *)nilOrNameOfSeedDatabaseInMainBundle managedObjectModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *)nilOrManagedObjectModel

Declared In



Initialize a new managed object store backed by a SQLite database with the specified filename. If a seed database name is provided and no existing database is found, initialize the store by copying the seed database from the main bundle. If the managed object model provided is nil, all models will be merged from the main bundle for you.

+ (RKManagedObjectStore *)objectStoreWithStoreFilename:(NSString *)storeFilename usingSeedDatabaseName:(NSString *)nilOrNameOfSeedDatabaseInMainBundle managedObjectModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *)nilOrManagedObjectModel

Declared In


Instance Methods


Returns the path to the application’s documents directory.

- (NSString *)applicationDocumentsDirectory

Declared In



This deletes and recreates the managed object context and persistant store, effectively clearing all data

- (void)deletePersistantStoreUsingSeedDatabaseName:(NSString *)seedFile

Declared In



Retrieves a model object from the object store given the model object’s class and the primaryKeyValue for the model object. This method leverages techniques specific to Core Data for optimal performance. If an existing object is not found, a new object is created and returned.

- (RKManagedObject *)findOrCreateInstanceOfManagedObject:(Class)class withPrimaryKeyValue:(id)primaryKeyValue

Declared In



Initialize a new managed object store with a SQLite database with the filename specified @deprecated

- (id)initWithStoreFilename:(NSString *)storeFilename DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE

Declared In



Retrieves a model object from the appropriate context using the objectId
- (NSManagedObject *)objectWithID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectID

Declared In



Returns an array of objects that the ‘live’ at the specified resource path. Usage of this method requires that you have provided an implementation of the managed object cache

- (NSArray *)objectsForResourcePath:(NSString *)resourcePath


See managedObjectCache above

Declared In



Retrieves a array of model objects from the appropriate context using
an array of NSManagedObjectIDs
- (NSArray *)objectsWithIDs:(NSArray *)objectIDs

Declared In



Save the current contents of the managed object store

- (NSError *)save

Declared In
